• 4-Up Horizontal Laser W-2 Window Self-Seal Envelope• Overall size: 5-5/8" x 9"• Top Window: 3-3/8" x 3/4" ○ Position: 3/8" from left and 4-1/4" from bottom• Bottom Window: 3-3/8" x 7/8" ○ Position: 3/8" from left and 5/8" from bottom• Each pack contains 100 envelopes
W-2 4-Up Horizontal Employee’s Copies B, C, 2 & 2 Combined – 1 Page Equals 1 Form (50 Sheets) Packs of 50 Sheets
W-2 IRS Federal Copy A – 1 Page Equals 2 Forms (50 Sheets) Packs of 50 Sheets
W-2 Employer’s Copy D and/or State, City Or Local Copy 2 – 1 Page Equals 2 Forms (50 sheets) Packs of 50 Sheets